The film merely expresses a universal lesson. Unlike the novel, the screen of Tenggelamnya Kapal Vtm der fails to dig deeper on the morals. It may consist of more than one paragraph. Zainudin continues living in deep remorse.Įvaluation states the judgment, opinions about the director,performances of the main actors, the plot, the theme, the dialogues and comparison with another similar artworks. Unfortunately, on the way to Padang, the ship sinks together with Hayati, leaving Zainuddin with the pain of Hayati's death. Zainudin sends her back to Padang on a royal ship, the Vtm der Wijck. Although Zainudin loves Hayati, he rejects her because Hayati had broken their promise. Feeling ashamed, Aziz commits suicide and gives up on Hayati. Aziz and Hayati come to Zainuddin's big house to borrow some money and ask for a temporary shelter.

Aziz loses his money and properties due to gambling. This time, the wheel of fortune turns around. At a book-launching, Zainuddin meets Hayati as Aziz's wife. Meanwhile, destiny makes Zainudin and Hayati meet once again. With his talent as a writer, Zainuddin gains fame as well as fortune. Feeling broken-hearted, Zainuddin leaves Minang and ventures to Java Island. Forced by her family, Hayati accepts the proposal, breaking her promise to Zainuddin. The problem becomes worse when Hayati is proposed to by a wealthy man of pure Minang descent, Aziz (Reza Rahadian). Before leaving, Zainuddin and Hayati promise to love each other and Hayati promises to wait for Zainudin. This triggers violent obstacles from the villagers and Zainuddin is forced to leave Batipuh. a beautiful girl named Hayati (Pevita Pearce). However, Zainuddin determinedly decides to stay in Batipuh and he is more determined after meeting. Minang people still held to the maternal lineage firmly. Zainuddin's father who came from Minang married his mother who came from Bugis, Makassar. Zainuddin's arrival is not welcomed by the 4. The story begins when Zainuddin (Herjunot Ali), a young man of Minang descent who has lived and grown up in Makassar, goes to Batipuh, Tanah Datar, West Sumatra, to visit his father's birthplace and deepen his spirituality. Interpretative recount tells the plot/ synopsis/summary of the story:
Tenggelamnya kapal van der wijck full tv#
Social function: To critique artworks (films, novels, songs, TV shows or movies) for a public audience. The film takes the theme of love and culturalr conflict in 1930s.
Tenggelamnya kapal van der wijck full movie#
The movie is based on Hamka's novel, Tenggelamnya Kapal van der Wijck (1939), and it was released at theaters on 19 December 2013. The film casts Pevita Pearce, Herjunot Ali and Reza Rahadian as the main leads. Tenggelamnya Kapal Vtm der Wijck Social Function: (The Sinking of the Van der Wijck) To critique artworks is a 2013 Indonesian romantic (films, novels, songs, drama film directed by Sunil Soraya TV shows or movies) and written by Imam Tantowi and for a public audience Dhony Dirgantoro. Orientation tells the background information of the movie: The work has also had several printings in Malaysia.The Indonesian socialist literary critic wrote that Van der Wijck was Hamka's best work, noting with interest the way in which Zainuddin writes about politics after losing Hayati.A Review on Tenggelamnya Kapal van der Wijck The eighth printing, in 1961, was published by Nusantara in Jakarta, with printings after that by Bulan Bintang. A second printing was with Syarkawi's publisher, then the next five printings, beginning in 1951, were by Balai Pustaka, which had become the state-owned publisher of Indonesia after in 1945. Syarkawi by using a private publisher he avoided the censorship imposed on authors by, the official publisher of the colonial government. However, conservative Muslims denounced the book, arguing that an should not write romances.After this generally favourable feedback, Hamka decided to publish it with a private publisher owned by his friend M. Hamka also received fan mail, in which readers described the book as reflecting their own lives. According to Yunan Nasution, an employee of the magazine at the time, when the magazine was shipped to, (now Banda Aceh), readers would wait at the train station to buy and read the next instalment as soon as possible.